How To Ladder Stitch

In this lesson, you will learn how to ladder stitch a basic beaded base row for brick stitch bead work.

102:  Simple Ladder Stitch

Free beading tutorial for the ladder stitch
A simple ladder stitch base row for brick stitch beading.

You can download a printable pdf of this lesson by clicking the link below:

You can view the images below larger by clicking on them, then download them by right clicking and selecting save.  Scroll to the bottom of this page to view a video presentation of these slides.

The ladder stitch is the most common stitch used to build a base row, or the first row, of brick stitch bead work.  It is also used to increase brick stitch rows by more than one bead.  Knowing how to ladder stitch is vital to brick stitch beading, especially with advanced pattern work.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
String the first two beads of the base row.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Leaving a 6-8 inch tail of string,
hold both beads side by side so that a loop of string forms above them.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
While holding the two beads in place,
send the needle up through the first bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Pull the thread taught, but not tight.  Do not pull so tightly on the thread
as to cause tension in it.  The two beads are now held together
by a small loop.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the two beads in place.  Run the needle down through the
second bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the two beads in place.  Run the needle up through
the first bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the two bead in place and pull the thread taught.
Then, run the needle down through the second bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the two beads in place and pull the thread taught.
String the next bead onto the needle.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the first two beads in place.  Position the third bead
next to the second bead so that a loop forms below the two beads
and hold it in place.  Run the needle down through the second bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the three beads in place and pull the thread taught.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the three beads in place.  Run the needle up through the third bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the three beads in place and pull the thread taught.
String the fourth bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the three beads in place.  Place the fourth bead next to the
third bead so that a loop forms above them in the thread.  Hold all four beads
in place while running the needle up through the third bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the four beads in place and pull the thread taught.  Then,
run the needle down through the fourth bead.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Continue holding the four beads in place.  Pull the thread taught.

Brick stitch beading online lesson tutorial.
Thread the fifth bead and repeat steps nine through 15 until you have reached
the desired number of beads for the base row.

Here is a video presentation of this lesson:

You can view this video on YouTube by following this link:

Learn how to brick stitch with Brick Stitch Beading University by Brick Stitch Bead Patterns Journal where all lessons and tutorials are free!

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