Brick Stitch Bead Patterns Vault: 128 Fabulous Beaded Heart Earring, Charm, and Pendant Patterns
Brick Stitch Bead Patterns Vault: 128 Fabulous
Beaded Heart Earring, Charm, and Pendant
Patterns |
Not only will you be stunned by this fabulously massive package of 128 heart beading patterns, you will also find a link where you can download free, high quality, full page, printable .pdfs of the black and white pattern letter charts!
Each bead pattern is a totally unique and original design for creating earrings, charms, pendants, or wall decor. These hearts are perfect for using up those left-over stockpiles from other beading projects. Switch out the bead colors with your favorites for even more creative fun. Make, give, and sell beaded earrings for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or Birthdays! There are so many beading pattern designs that you are guaranteed endless hours of brick stitch bead weaving fun.
This humongous brick stitch pattern collection features 79 single heart beading patterns, 15 multiple heart beading patterns, 8 shapes with hearts beading patterns, and a bonus section of monogram (26) heart patterns. Each pattern has a full color chart, labeled full color chart, a black and white letter chart, bead counts, and finish sizes for common bead sizes from seed beads to pony beads. Generic color names are used so you don't have to stick to a specific bead brand, allowing a little more creative freedom. This book contains charts only. Instructions for the patterns and instructions for how to brick stitch are NOT included in this book. You will need to know ladder stitch, brick stitch, how to decrease, how to increase, and be familiar with using patterns to complete most of these patterns.
It's only $2.99
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Get More Heart Earrings!
Like hearts? I do! So I created a ton more free heart patterns. Go to the
Beaded Heart Patterns page to download them!
128 Hearts Letter Chart Download:
Click the picture to download the black and white letter chart pdf.
Need a brick stitch pattern that doesn't exist? Can't find a bead pattern? Have a suggestion? Love what you see? Leave a comment below! I love to hear, well read, your thoughts.