Star Spangled #1 US Flag Beaded Earring Pattern

Click here for more free Patriotic USA Flag brick stitch bead patterns!

Free brick stitch beaded earring pattern inspired by the United States flag!

Free brick stitch beaded earring pattern
US Flag Inspired Brick Stitch Earring Pattern
Skill Level:  Advanced Beginner, requires decreases

Click on the pictures to view the bead pattern larger.  Then, right click the pattern to save, download, or print it.

Bead Count:

Count:  12

Count:  17

Count:  18

Free brick stitch flag earring word chart
US Flag Earring Pattern #1, Labeled
The Star Spangled Dangle #1 earring pattern is 11 rows with a base row (#1) of 7 beads.  This beaded brick stitch pattern could also be used to create a necklace pendent bracelet charms.

Pattern Sizes (tall x wide): 

Miyuki Delicas size 15:  .73 inch x .47 inch
Miyuki Delicas size 11:  .79 inch x .47 inch
Miyuki Delicas size 10:  .9 inch x .73 inch
Miyuki Delicas size 8:  1.35 inch x 1.14 inch
Pony Bead 9mm:  4.07 inch x 2.59 inch

Happy Beading!